Tvrtka 'Poo-Pourri' i ove je godine snimila božićnu reklamu kojom promoviraju svoj osvježivač zraka. U glavnoj ulozi je Djed Božićnjak koji ima problem s probavom...Reklama je sasvim prigodno nazvana - 'I Djed Božičnjak kaki'. Djevojka koju vidi…
A great commercial You have to see it!!google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /…
Steven Seagal’s Lightning Bolt
You all know Steven Seagal. He’s the martial artist who starred in such classics as Hard to Kill, Marked for Death, and Above the Law.He was also in Under Siege but if you’re like us the only thing you remember about that movie was Erika Eleniak…
Ogromni frajeri protiv golišavih modela
Fabula Gaming tvrtka je koja je bavi izradom igara za smartphone, a jednu od njih promoviraju vrlo zanimljivom reklamom koja i nema previše veze s nogometom...google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ googl…
Neobična kampanja protiv vožnje u alkoholisanom stanju
Proizvođač piva u krajnje neobičnoj kampanji, a sve to u cilju podizanja svijesti građana, prvenstveno vozača koji sjedaju za volan u pripitom stanju. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slo…
Japanese Funny Commercials
Japanese Funny Commercialsgoogle_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, st…
You can be as pretty as Cristiano Ronaldo if you're willing to look silly
Cristiano Ronaldo wants everyone to look as pretty as him!Yes! Everyone needs to stick things in their mouth and exercise. It's the secret to how Cristiano Ronaldo got so good looking. And lots of people want to be that good looking so they're f…
Evian: Spider-Man, The Amazing Baby & Me
Evian has a long history of incorporating creepy CGI babies in its ads, and an equally long history of viewers gobbling it up like it's some variety of highly addictive crack cocaine.Riffing on the idea that Evian water makes your body feel yout…
Ultimate Weird Japanese Commercials Compilation
Japan certainly never fails to impress with the weirdness of their commercials. The following "weird japanese ads" prove that there are somethings you just can't understand from the land of the rising sun!google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276…
Very Funny Pepsi Commercial
It's a very funny Pepsi commercial with Chinese Monks.google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; google_ad_client = "ca-pub-64124…
Stay Alive (Funny Commercial)
Funny Commercial...the driver are trying to flirt with tat gal..but she tries to ignore him by playing the music loudly...then she found tat the crop is gone from the driver's car n shocked to find him sitting behind her car enjoying the music f…