Top 10 Weird and Unusual Shaped Boats

Looking back I have been to rather a lot of boat shows and events for someone who doesn’t know how to swim and doesn’t own a boat. But if I did know how to swim and I did own a boat I would probably be typing this while sat on one of these craz…

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Top 10 Dumbest Reasons Why People Were Fired

Jobs are necessary, not only to keep the wheels of society turning, but to improve our quality of life, finance our dreams, or simply to make ends meet. Sometimes things don't go as planned and we are forced to enter a new chapter in life, but…

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10 Most Expensive Things In The World

Here are 10 of the most expensive things in the world. …

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Top 10 Female Guitarists of All Time

Talented, innovative or just plain entertaining, these six-stringers of the female variety know how to get the party rolling. …

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10 Unfortunately-Named Products

Fancy a bowl of cock soup for dinner? Maybe you'd also enjoy some of these 9 other unfortunately named products too.. …

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10 Surprising Ways To Offend People In Other Countries

Planning a summer vacation abroad? Then don't offend the locals. Here are 10 seemingly innocent ways of offending people in other countries. …

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 10 Most Evil Teachers
10 Most Evil Teachers

Forget Professor Snape... From spiking their student's oreos with sedatives to setting up a baby fight club, AllTime10s brings you the 10 most evil teachers. …

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Top 10 Brutally Cruel Torture Methods
Top 10 Brutally Cruel Torture Methods

Methods of torture throughout time have been inventive, to say the least, some offering more reprieve than others for the unfortunate soul attached. While no torture sounds fun, there are those that are simply devastating to hear about. They're …

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Top 10: Nostalgic Video Game Facts
Top 10: Nostalgic Video Game Facts

In this top 10 video, we’ll look at 10 nostalgic video game facts. 10. Mario’s Mushrooms 9. Donkey Kong 8. Star Fox 7. Super Smash Bros. Brawl 6. Twilight Princess 5. Super Mario Brothers 4. The Simpsons 3. Sonic The Hedgehog 2. The Disk System …

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Top 10 Dramatic Slow Motion Scenes
Top 10 Dramatic Slow Motion Scenes

Sometimes you’ve got to take things slowgoogle_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; …

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10 Things You Didn't Know About Scotland
10 Things You Didn't Know About Scotland

The mention of Scotland conjures images of green rolling hills, woolen knits, plaid, and, of course, Scotch whisky. Here are 10 other cool things about the country and its people. Number 10. Inventions. Some of the world’s favorite ones sprung f…

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10 Things Indians Do Better Than Americans
10 Things Indians Do Better Than Americans

Here are 10 things Indians do better than Americans.Number 10. Weddings. Specific details vary from region to region, but overall Indian weddings are elaborate affairs that last several days. While American weddings can be fancy, festivities oft…

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10 Awesome Things Babies Teach Us About Life
10 Awesome Things Babies Teach Us About Life

We look towards the elderly for life advice. Sure, they have a great deal of it, but babies can impart a lot of wisdom as well.Here are 10 things babies can teach us.Number 10. Live in the moment. Grownups have a terrible habit of living either …

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America's 10 Most Famous Ghosts - Halloween 2014
America's 10 Most Famous Ghosts - Halloween 2014

Celebrity is not a status exclusively bestowed upon the living. Some carry their popularity over into the afterlife, while others find it there for the first time.Here are 10 of America’s most famous ghosts.Number 10. Kate Morgan. More than a ce…

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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Dogs’ Tails
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Dogs’ Tails

Tail wagging has long been associated with a pup’s mood, but the fascinating and often telling, things about the appendage don’t stop there.Here are 10 things you didn’t know about dogs’ tails.Number 10. They don’t wag them when they’re alone. N…

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10 Famous People Who Were Once Homeless
10 Famous People Who Were Once Homeless

Given the charmed lives many celebrities lead, it’s hard to imagine that they’ve ever had to go without. For many famous people, that is very far from the truth.Here are 10 of them who were once homeless.Number 10. Shania Twain. In her memoir, t…

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10 Strangely Cool British Traditions Still Practiced Today
10 Strangely Cool British Traditions Still Practiced Today

In modern times many customs have been cast aside, existing only in stories about how things used to be. Not all of them, though.Here are 10 strangely cool UK traditions practiced to this day.Number 10. Wearing wigs in court. The practice of jud…

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Top 10 Comedy Movies: 1970s
Top 10 Comedy Movies: 1970s

The '70s weren't just a time for platform shoes and disco. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; google_ad_client = "ca-pub-…

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10 Things You May Not Know About President Obama
10 Things You May Not Know About President Obama

Barack Obama is one of the world’s most watched and talked about people, yet there are still surprising, little publicized facts about the man out there.Here are 10 things you may not know about the United States’ 44th president.Number 10. He an…

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