The Y-40 diving pool in Montegrotto Terme, Italy, has a depth of 42 m (137 ft 9.54 in) at its deepest point and contains around 4.3 million litres (945,867 gal; 1,135,939 US gallons) of thermal water. The facility, designed by Emanuele Boaretto …
The world’s smallest caravan - Guinness World Records 2015
Forty-three-year-old Yannick Read’s entry is arguably the most British of all the new records in the new Guinness World Records 2015 book. The website writer and part time inventor from London has built the world’s Smallest Caravan. The vehicle,…
Oborio svjetski rekord u zgibovima na malim prstima!
Ono što je Maibam Itomba Meitei uspio da izvede je za svako divljenje! Ovaj 26- godišnjak je uradio 16 zgibova hvatajući se za vratilo samo malim prstima! Ono što je Maibam Itomba Meitei uspio da izvede je za svako divljenje! Ovaj 26- godišnjak …
The World's Oldest Gymnast Is An 87 Year Old Gramma
Meet Johanna Quaas, the Guinness World Record holder for the oldest practicing gymnast.She’s the big 8-7! Whoa, a granny gymnast? Now I’ve seen everything! Everything except a unicorn in the wild. Still holding out for that.That’s what Johanna i…
Worlds Longest Sofa
1 Km in length and a seating capacity of 2500 persons, Guinness World Record has been set for the longest sofa, in Russia.This gigantic sofa is measured 1,006.61m (3302 ft 6 in) and is made by a Russian furniture company ‘Mnogo Mebeli’ on their …
Tight Squeeze Tennis Racquet!
A record-breaking attempt at the most times to pass through a tennis racket in three minutes was 7, achieved by Skye Broberg (Australia) on the set of Lo Show dei Record in Rome, Italy, on 25 February 2010. The record has since been broken by Th…
Longest UTV ramp jump
The longest UTV ramp jump measures 32.53 m (106 ft 8.64 in) and was achieved by Bennie Martinez (USA) at Southwest Landfill, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, on 26 June 2014.A stock 2014 Polaris UTV was used for the attempt.google_ad_client = "ca-p…
The shortest living man - Nepal's Chandra Bahadur Dangi
In February this year, Dangi made headlines across the globe when he was crowned the world’s Shortest Man, standing at 54.6 cm (21.5 in). His size also meant that he inherited the title of Shortest Man in history, breaking the previous record o…
Guinness World Record - Most mini dominoes toppled (2,000 Dominoes)
The most mini dominoes toppled is 2,000 and was achieved by Sinners Domino Entertainment (Germany), on the set of "Officially Amazing" (CBBC/Lion TV), at the Wilhelm-Lückert-Gymnasium in Büdingen, Germany, on 12 July 2013.google_ad_client = "ca-…
On 7 December 2012, the highest forward flip pogo stick jump measured 2.46 m (8 ft 0.85 in) and was achieved by Biff Hutchison (USA) on the set of a CCTV Guinness World Records Special, in Beijing, China. Biff still holds the record, which now …
Kung Fu Master’s Finger of Steel Can Puncture Coconuts, Imagine What It Could Do To Your Skull
Kung fu master Ho Eng Hui doesn’t need any fancy weapons, because nature has given him a pretty awesome one – his index finger. His incredibly powerful finger can pierce coconut shells, releasing a burst of sweet water from inside. He proudly de…