Kochi (Cochin), India
Kochi (Cochin), India

Kochi (colonial name Cochin) is a vibrant city situated on the south-west coast of the Indian peninsula in the breathtakingly scenic and pro...

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Japan: Kupanje u vinu
Japan: Kupanje u vinu

Japanci se kupaju u bazenu koji je ispunjen vinom i toplom termalnom vodom u japanskom termalnom centru "Kowakien Yunesseun". Baze...

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The Stinking Rose – San Francisco’s Garlic-Centered Restaurant
The Stinking Rose – San Francisco’s Garlic-Centered Restaurant

If your idea of a perfect meal is garlic, garlic and more garlic, The Stinking Rose restaurant should definitely be on your itinerary the ne...

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Zorba the Greek flashmob
Zorba the Greek flashmob

The Ottawa Greek Community put on a Greek dance flash mob in the Byward market to promote the 2011 Ottawa Greek Festival. The weather held o...

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Autobusom kroz najopasniji put na svijetu!
Autobusom kroz najopasniji put na svijetu!

Ako želite da obiđete zabačene djelove najvišeg planinskog vijenca na svijetu ovo je jedini put. "Dolazak do planine je uzbudljiv kao i...

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Traktorom do Južnog pola
Traktorom do Južnog pola

Holanđanka Manon Osevort (38) nakon što je prešla cio afrički kontinent, odlučila je da svoju avanturu nastavi do Južnog pola. Kada su je pi...

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Brijuni National Park - The Hidden Paradise
Brijuni National Park - The Hidden Paradise

Područje koje se posebno ističe svojom neizmjernom ljepotom prirodnih vrijednosti i sačuvanih ekoloških sustava je upravo Nacionalni park Br...

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Camp Wandawega In Elkhorn, Wisconsin
Camp Wandawega In Elkhorn, Wisconsin

Seems like every week we’re seeing someone in our social media circles boldly announce “That’s it people! I’m going off the grid!” It’s the...

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The Loneliest Phone Booth on Earth
The Loneliest Phone Booth on Earth

Once upon a time, a very isolated phone booth stood alone in the Mojave Desert in California for almost 40 years. This is its story… “Hello!...

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Wellington Helicopter Tours, Heli Flights, New Zealand
Wellington Helicopter Tours, Heli Flights, New Zealand

As you circle the fringe of Wellington Harbour you will see first hand not only the incredible tectonic landscape that encompasses this beau...

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Henderson Waves Bridge Singapore
Henderson Waves Bridge Singapore

The highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore. This 9 km structure connects Mount Faber Park with Telok Blangah Hill Park. [ link ] Foto from

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Hotel Everland, Paris
Hotel Everland, Paris

Everland Hotel was designed by Swiss architects Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann, the hotel is located in spectacular places around the world....

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