A short film made of thousands of photos, timelapse and video sequences fulfilled with special visual effects and custom composed music. The goal of this film was to capture positive energy of the city of Zagreb, Croatia. The film also shows Zagreb's rich street and nightlife, culture and sacral heritage together with internationally known attractions, events and many more.

Material for this film was filmed during the period 2010-2012, postproduction and special effects were made by Dražen Zeljković while music and sound effects were made by Zvonko Tešić.

Video uradak, djelo Marka Vrdoljaka prikazuje Zagreb u dosad neviđenom svijetlu. Marko je složio sjajan video o pozitivnoj energiji Zagreba i njegovih stanovnika, a video naziva ‘Pulse of the city’, odnosno ‘Puls grada’ objavio je na svom profilu na Vimeu.

Kratki film, nastao od tisuća fotografija, timelapsa i videosekvenci upotpunjenih posebnim vizualnim efektima i prilagođenom glazbom, prikazuje sve čari hrvatske metropole.

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