Tricked Out Taxi – NYC
As part of the NY International Auto show this ridiculous “monster taxi” was featured as an extreme redesign of the NYC taxi cab.
Hummer Taxi – Houston, TX
Everything is bigger in Texas, that’s why they have a Hummer Taxi.
Ultimate Taxi – Aspen, Colorado
If you’re too stoned to ski, the next best thing to do in Aspen, Colorado is take a ride in the Ultimate Taxi for a 45 minute mobile laser light show.
Water Taxi – New York
Not exactly your typical NYC cab—the New York Water Taxi takes you through NYC along the New York Harbor.
Art Cabs – NYC
In early 2010 NYC cabs will replace the rooftop ads with artwork from modern artists Alex Katz, Shirin Neshat and Yoko Ono.
Lamborghini Taxi – Canada
Be careful when you tell the cabbie to step on it—the Lamborghini Taxi will get you to your destination FAST.
L-PT Cruiser Cab – NYC
With a vision of a greener yellow taxicab, Hybrid Technologies designed the L-PT Cruiser concept cab which uses a lithium ion battery.
Air Taxi – Key West, FL
If taxis are the most efficient way to get from Manhattan to JFK, the Air Taxi is the most efficient way to get from Naples, FL to Key West. Plus, this way you fly right over the retirees driving below the speed limit.
Pink Taxis for Women – Mexico
Pink taxies in Mexico are only for women only. The drivers are female and pink taxies are meant to reduce sexual harassment. That part is great, but critics say the “included beauty kit” seems a little back-handed.
Flower Taxis – NYC
In 2007 NYC looked like it was overrun with hippies with bright flower vinyl stickers on taxis. The project was known as Garden in Transit and its purpose was to raise awareness for the non-profit organization Portraits of Hope using motivational art therapy for hospitalized children.
CoCo Taxi – Havana, Cuba
Coco taxis are a fun way to get around if you don’t mind being in something that looks just like one of those Fisher Price cars.
Maybach Taxi – Moscow, Russia
Diddy’s son may have gotten a Maybach for his 16th birthday, but in Russia, Maybach gets you! (And then takes you to the airport.)
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