Mumbai, najveća metropola u Indiji, također poznat i kao Bombaj ili 'grad snova'.
Upoznajte uzbudljivi svijet gradskog života i 'ulične hrane', koja je srce i duša ovog grada.
Japanese consumers are used to paying through the nose for fruit, and now the summer's here there's another way for them to empty their wallets: cube and heart-shaped watermelons. But this pricey pr...Read more »
How to make a beautiful peace of art from watermelon. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle =...Read more »
If your idea of a perfect meal is garlic, garlic and more garlic, The Stinking Rose restaurant should definitely be on your itinerary the next time you’re in San Francisco. Their motto – “we season ou...Read more »
Most traditional dishes in Costa Rica consist of rice and beans with other ingredients like chicken or fish and different sorts of vegetables, which is why they are really cheap.Gallo PintoThe most co...Read more »
Edible LEGO bricks made by Japanese designer Akihiro Mizuuchi out of delicious white, dark, and milk chocolate.You can build robots, castles, structures, and cool toys and then eat them.Available in v...Read more »
How to Peel an Apples the Fastest Waygoogle_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; goog...Read more »
Prva asocijacija na najnoviji hamburger koji je Burger King predstavio u Japanu mogla bi biti da je hamburger malo više zagorio, ali ipak crna boja predstavlja zapravo crno pecivo. Riječ je hamburger...Read more »
How to Make Potato Chips in the Microwavegoogle_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; ...Read more »
EgipatZa dolar možete da pojedete tanjir košarija. To je jelo napravljeno od špageta, riže, sočiva i prženog luka. IndijaMožete da pojedete riže koliko poželite, bez ograničenja.AustrijaMoći ćete da k...Read more »
A pet store owner in Richland, Washington, is putting herself in her clients’ shoes (or paws, if you will) for a whole month. Dorothy Hunter has decided to eat nothing but pet food for 30 days; the ch...Read more »
Would you dare to buy candles that were labelled ‘Stinky’? Apparently, there are people who would! The Stinky Candle Company was set up by Jeff Bennett after he got sick of boring scents like vanilla,...Read more »
The latest invention of Manuel Linares, a Spanish physicist-turned-cook, proves that physics isn’t all about boring theories and formulae, it can be really fun too! He’s invented a new type of ice cre...Read more »
Innovative barbecue grill with notebook inspired design can be folded flat to one inch for easy storage and transportation.Notebook Grill allows people to cook delicious meat in any location.Made out ...Read more »
Useful tool for your kitchen will help you separate egg yolks from egg whites.Made by Peleg Design, creators of the famous YolkFish egg separator.Little pig will suck up egg yolks and separate them fr...Read more »
Some fruit vendors in China have gone above and beyond the call of duty in an effort to sell their fruit by dressing their peaches in miniature panties and marketing them as sexy butt peaches.google_a...Read more »
Potpuno zrela banana proizvodi supstancu TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) koja ima sposobnost borbe protiv stanica koje se ponašaju neuobičajeno, odnosno stanica tumora.Istraživanje su proveli japanski zna...Read more »
Dorothy Hunter želi dokazati da je hrana za kućne ljubimce jednako hranjiva i ukusna kao ona za ljudeVlasnica trgovine kućnim ljubimcima u Washingtonu stavila se u cipele svojih klijenata na mjesec da...Read more »
The names behind our food are inspired by all sorts of places and for a variety of reasons.Here are 10 dishes that were named after the people who created or inspired them.Number 10. Fettuccine Alfred...Read more »
Većina nas učiniće isto – uzeti nož, umočiti ga u hladnu vodu da lakše klizi i početi rezati komade započevši u sredini, u obliku trouglova.Ko ne voli jesti tortu?Posebno je slatka kad je rođendanska....Read more »
Budući da su gradske ulice uglavnom uvijek zakrčene vozilima, vlasnici pizzerije Francesco's u Mumbaiju pokušali su narudžbu eksperimentalno dostaviti zrakom...Sudeći prema videu, prvi je pokušaj bez ...Read more »
Here are the top 10 foods that are commonly mispronounced.You say to-mah-to, I say to-may-to... as it turns out, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers aren't the only ones with trouble pronouncing their meal...Read more »
Do you remember how you always had to be quiet at the dinner table when you were young but never understood why? Now that you’re all grown up, with children of your own, you probably wish you could ha...Read more »
Kuhinja zna često postati mjesto u kući ili stanu koje akumulira vrlo čudne sprave svakojakih majena i oblika, a još jedna takva pojavila se i u sklopu kampanje na Kickstarteru.Guska koja nese zlatna ...Read more »
Beautiful and creative edible artworks made out of delicious food by talented Ukrainian artist Daryna Kossar.Wonderful food art will inspire you to make unique sandwiches and meals.google_ad_client = ...Read more »
Most Popular Drunk Foods Around The World google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6412456300276695"; /* 336x280, stvoreno 2011.08.12 */ google_ad_slot = "2114137887"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280;...Read more »
If you’re any sort of mister manners when it comes to dining etiquette, you know the basics of American restaurant behavior. Splitting the check – usually OK. Letting out an impressive burp at a fine ...Read more »
Kad se odlučimo udovoljiti željama za malo junk fooda, posljednje što nas zanima jest kakve se sve stvari odvijaju iza kulisa u pripremi hrane.Ipak, redovito smo bombardirani informacijama o tome koli...Read more »
Jamie McDonald objavio je snimak posjete poslastičarnici "Djeda Mrazov zamak" u Senta Klozu u Indijani. Ova poslastičarnica pravi najveće kakao piće na svijetu, džinovsku porciju zaleđene tople čoko...Read more »
In America, we pay to watch people eat to satisfy our weird fetishes. In South Korea, people pay to have a friend at the dinner table.Meet Park Seo-yeon, who makes $9,000 a month from fans who like to...Read more »
Nizozemski kuhar Jasper van Ramshorst objavio je na svom profilu na Facebooku video koji bi nekima mogao olakšati muke. Naučite i vi kako se to lako gule jabukeSjajno rješenje, zar ne? Nažalost, nema ...Read more »
Americans are slowly waking up to the sad fact that much of the food sold in the US is far inferior to the same foods sold in other nations. In fact, many of the foods you eat are BANNED in other coun...Read more »
To get a glimpse at just how exciting breakfast can be, check out what people in these 10 countries are having.As we mull over choices of cereals or bagels, we're well aware that our breakfast choices...Read more »
Most of these vegetables got world record and they are relatively very huge when compare to normal vegetables.PumpkinOn September 28, history was made in Topsfield, Massachusetts, when a 2,009-lb. pum...Read more »
If you’re looking for chocolate or vanilla, you’re going to have to keep looking. From alcoholic ones, to things that shouldn’t leave the bedroom, people have invented flavours that are just totally c...Read more »
Unique ongoing project by Dario D compares the size of real fast food to the promotional images that are used in advertising campaigns.Creative posters highlight the differences between photos of food...Read more »
The best Hotdog recipe video! Planning on making some Hotdogs? Today I show you how to make my world famous hotdogs. These hotdogs are extremely healthy and good for you. Follow the step by step instr...Read more »
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