Sure all animals are cuddly, but let's face it; nature was less kind to some than others. Here are 5 creatures who may not fit our conventional notion of beauty.

Number 5 is the Blobfish. Found off the coast of Australia, this slimy looking fish lives so deep in the ocean that the pressure there is almost 8 times higher than at sea level. Such conditions make life impossible for any other fish; however, Blobfish's gelatinous, gooey body keeps it from sinking at such depths.

Number 4 is the Proboscis monkey. They are found only on the island of Borneo in southern Asia. The male Proboscis monkeys are known for their over-sized, clownishly large nose which allows them to make loud bellowing noises to warn of predators or to attract mates.

Number 3 are the Tarsiers. Found only in Southeast Asia, they are about the size of an adult male's hand. Tarsiers have a disproportionate body with eyes larger than its brain and legs longer than the relative size of its body. However, these long legs enable them to escape predators by jumping as high as 18 feet.

Number 2 are the naked mole rats. Found in desert areas of East Africa, these ugly creatures have wrinkly, hairless body with teeth protruding outside their mouth. As naked mole rats live underground, their long teeth equip them in digging tunnels.
Number 1 are the Sloths. Gangly and somewhat awkward-looking, sloths' bodies are perfectly suited to their lives, spent almost entirely in the branches of trees. On the ground, sloths have to clumsily drag themselves along on their bellies, using only their front arms.

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