Iako je klokan Kevin siroče, čini se da je već zaboravio tugu i jad u brižnim rukama svog skrbnika. Slatki tobolčar potpuno je zbrinut – sjedi u krilu svog omiljenog čovjeka i jede sočnu jabuku.
We are keen about space saving transformable furniture as most of us live in towns where the space is a big concern. Moscow based designer Elena Sidorova has came up with another beautiful transforma...Read more »
Domino's is a major player in the pizza industry who keep investing in technology research and development has now revealed its latest innovation, the world's first autonomous pizza delivery vehicle, ...Read more »
Couples umbrella with double handle designed to be used by two people. Double umbrella made by Quentin de Coster out of recycled umbrellas. SourceRead more »
Unusual cake made by Natalie Sideserf looks like realistic head of Mike Ehrmantraut from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul tv shows. Vanilla and buttercream Mike’s head cake for the fans of Breaking...Read more »
» Watch the making of the clip here: http://win.gs/1NAfLGT Kenny Belaey rides a slackline over a 112m drop in the French Alps at an altitude of 2700m. Belgian Red Bull athlete and nine time world tr...Read more »
Innovative helmet designed to help children drive and ride their parents. Piggyback Driver helmet with handlebars, flashing turn signals, horn button, and turbo boost button. Vibrations tell the pa...Read more »
International touring and recording artist Justin Johnson has been hailed by Guitar World as a “must-see act”, dubbed “The Wizard” for his mastery of stringed instruments, and recognized as Slidestoc...Read more »
5 Crazy Electric Vehicles You Can Buy Online PodRide a practical and fun bicycle-car http://www.jmk-innovation.se/?lang=en ELECTRICMOOD: The World Smartest Urban E-Scooter http://www.electricmood...Read more »
Get ready to be amazed at these seven awesome amphibious vehicles you just have to see! Links: Thumbnail Photo - Amphicoach - http://www.amphicoach.net/ Sherp ATV http://goo.gl/sU5xH0 UHAC htt...Read more »
"This is the single most powerful device ever constructed (and subsequently responsible for the biggest nuclear explosion in history). Known as the Tsar Bomba, this Soviet designed nuclear weapon had...Read more »
For hundreds of years, fishermen in Taiwan have been catching sardines with the help of fiery stick held over the edge of a boat. The fish are so attracted to the light that they jump out of the water...Read more »
Perhaps this design is best viewed as social commentary – its creator comes, after all, from a country with a mixed history in terms of police, privacy and security. Nikita Kovalev of Moscow, Russi...Read more »
Creative bookmark designed to look like a zipper will help you always unzip your book at the right page. Zipper bookmark by Peleg Design. Available in red, blue, and green. (adsbygoogl...Read more »
The first look at Dom’Up is probably going to remind you of Swiss Family Robinson or Ewoks from Star Wars, but that’s ok. The tree shelter was conceived by Trees & People to be a suspension st...Read more »
Nikola Congdon and her mother Anne of Falmouth in Cornwall, England are committed to saving chickens and give them a new home. They saved about 60 chickens, half of which have been grown and have l...Read more »
Stuffed animals gather for morning coffee at Nuigurumi Cafe. (Photo: Nuigurumi Cafe/Facebook) You send your kids on playdates and your pup to doggy daycare. But what are your stuffed animals supposed...Read more »
The Hairy Chinese Kid (Yu Zhenhuan) was first mentioned on 12 October 2002 during Karl's first ever edition of Educating Ricky. Karl revealed the child was indeed quite hairy and apparently had troub...Read more »
Outdoor picnic table can be folded and transformed into a briefcase for easy storage and transportation. Wooden picnic table with lightweight and durable aluminum frame. SourceRead more »
When you first look at the INNESENTI you may scratch your head and wonder where did the rest of it go, or maybe you’ll think that it looks like a very intricate bike that you will definitely need kne...Read more »
McMills Construction approached Beausoleil Architects for help installing a garage in the bottom floor of a property on Oak Street in San Francisco's Upper Haight district in order to maximize the te...Read more »
Attention please, all these women and other could march against you. Music: "La Grange" (1977) from Concert Live ZZ Top in Texas. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ...Read more »
In the never-ending quest to bridge the uncanny valley, Japanese scientists have turned to one area of research that has, so far, gone ignored: the robotic ass. Built by Nobuhiro Takahashi and a tea...Read more »
World's strangest and most incredible cars & trucks ever designed. These concept automobiles are so weird and unique that they turn heads no matter which neighborhood they'd drive through. Read more »
Ukoliko ste mislili da imate neobičan hobi, razmislite ponovo. Ovaj Kanađanin već gotovo deset godina kopa podrum ispod kuće s igračkama na daljinsko upravljanjeJoe iz Kanade veliki je zaljubljenik u ...Read more »
Optimistična montipajtonovska melodija "Always look on the bright side of life", trenutno je najtraženija pjesma na sahranama u Velikoj Britaniji. Kako prenosi BBC, numera koju je Erik Idl napisao za ...Read more »
Scribble pen allows people to scan colors from the real world and instantly reproduce them on regular paper or digital screen.Innovative pen can draw in any color. It replaces thousands of color pens ...Read more »
Treadmill Bike lets you go for a jog without getting your shoes dirtyNot too dissimilar to the Rollator we featured late last year on Gizmag is the Treadmill Bike, which leaves as much to the imaginat...Read more »
This Little Dancing Red Man Makes Wait For Red Light A FunWho would not have violated the red traffic light, atleast once in a life, to avoid wait for it turning to green? To discourage people from ad...Read more »
Takmičenje za najbolju guzu Brazila "Miss Bum Bum". Laskavu titulu je ponijela manekenka iz Santa Katarine, Indijanara Karvaljo, koja je ranije ovog mjeseca "pravila probleme u Parizu" i slikala se o...Read more »
Zahvaljujući tvrtki US Thrill Rides, 2017. godine će u Orlandu u promet biti pušten novi najviši tobogan smrti na svijetu prigodno nazvan Neboder. Upoznajte to ludiloTobogan će putnike dizati na čak 1...Read more »
Sigurnosne kamere zabilježile su neobičan okršaj u jednom ruskom gradu. Tri lokalna mafijaša počela su da uznemiravaju jednu ženu u noćnom klubu.Nijesu znali da je to supruga Nikolaia Vlasenka, bokse...Read more »
Urugvajski predsjednik Hose Mujica izjavio je da će, uprkos izdašnim ponudama, zadržati svoj automobil iz 1987. godine kojim se još vozi čak i na neke službene događaje. Mujici predsjednički mandat i...Read more »
Vatromet u Italiji neočekivano je otišao u jednom sasvim neželjenom smjeru.Jednu slučajno ispaljenu raketu tijekom vatrometa čovjek bi još i mogao očekivati, no u Italiji se dogodio neobičan incident....Read more »
Umalo je došlo do sudara kada su dva nepromišljena vozača počela razmjenjivati piće kroz prozore kombija u vožnji po brzoj cesti, prepunoj drugih vozila.Zastrašujući trenutak koji se jednom vozaču dog...Read more »
Nakon što je jedna djevojka nedavno objavila video u kojem je deset sati hodala po Njujorku, to je pokrenulo pravu lavinu sličnih eksperimenata. Jedna djevojka je tako odlučila da kroz Njujork prošeta...Read more »
"Niko već pet godina nije oborio moj rekord, s ponosom predstavljam svoju zemlju", izjavio je 32-godinšnji Sultan Kose Povodom obilježavanje 60. godišnjice Guinnessove knjige rekorda u Londonu su se s...Read more »
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