Check out the 10 bizarre deaths that have taken place in history.

Here are top 10 most bizarre deaths in history:

Number 10 -Adolf Frederick, the king of Sweden reportedly died of indigestion in 1771 after consuming a huge dinner consisting of lobster, caviar, champagne, and 14 servings of his favorite dessert pudding.

Number 9 - King Alexander I of Greece allegedly died in 1920 after being bit by his pet monkey. He was badly mutilated by the animal and succumbed to his injuries almost a month after the attack.

Number 8 - Roman Emperor Titus supposedly died after a bug flew into his nose and slowly ate his brain for 7 years.

Number 7 - King Henry I of England is said to have died in 1135 of food poisoning after overeating his favorite food, lampreys - an eel shaped jaw less fish.

Number 6 - Sir Francis Bacon, the famous scientist was conducting an experiment in 1626, examining the role of snow in preserving chicken. It is believed that because Bacon conducted the experiment outside in a blizzard, he contracted pneumonia and died approximately a month later.

Number 5 - Franz Reichelt, an Austrian-French inventor died 1912 after allegedly jumping from the Eiffel Tower while testing a parachute suite he had invented.

Number 4 -Aeschylus, a Geek playwright supposedly died when an eagle dropped a turtle on his head. Some believe that the bird mistook Aeschylus's bald head for a rock.

Number 3 - Marcus Garvey, a black activist died in 1940 from a cardiac arrest while reading an incorrect news report about his death published in the Chicago Defender.

Number 2 - Reportedly, French explorer Marion du Fresne and some of his group members died in 1772 when they became victims of cannibalism in New Zealand.

Number 1 - Isadora Duncan, the famed American born dancer was strangled to death in 1927 when her own scarf got caught in her car's rear wheel.

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