This is a functional clock made out of bacon woven over a biscuit batter core, with Cheez-Whiz as the numbers. It was created by DeviantArtist Malcoda. She provides some kind of explanation about how the thing’s meant to represent Americans and time consumption and stuff, but I just think that’s artsy-code for BACON. Unfortunately the Bacon Clock is no longer telling time, because Malcoda totally devoured it. And who can blame her? I never mastered the art of reading time, but even I can see that this thing says IT’S EAT ME O’CLOCK!

An artist created a clock made from weaved bacon.
Food is a canvas for creative chefs and artists all over the world.
One artist has created quite a timepiece using bacon.

Appearing like a standard square-shaped clock, the hour, minute and second hands can be seen clearly. The numbers were painted on the surface using pasteurized cheese sauce.

The center of the project is the bacon. The artist used a technique called weaving to make the pieces form together in a visually appealing way.

The weave was applied over a lightly-baked 'biscuit batter core'. The project was done in an effort " to make a timepiece in the style of an art movement from the last century."

Bacon has been used in many unusual ways. One of those is a picture of a woman clad in a bacon bra. (2) Several other memorable pieces include a bacon replica of an AK-47 rifle and a bacon guitar.

What do you think about bacon inspired artwork?

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